65 Cute Instagram Captions for Your Baby
Here is the ultimate list of ideas for cute Instagram captions for babies.
You have an adorable photo subject but get stuck on the captions. Use our list of captions for baby pictures to help you come up with just the right captions for your Instagram post!
We’ve put together a few Instagram captions. Use these as inspiration as is or put your twist on it. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration for your little model’s baby caption.

Captions for Cute Baby Pictures
I am wonderfully made, and this proves it.
God knew you were perfect for me.
My eyes tell the full story.
Who needs superpowers when you have a face like this?
I am made of sugar and a little bit of spice.
Do you need a little sunshine on a cloudy day?
You make life sweeter than a box of donuts.
Current mood: lollipops and rainbows
When life gets me down, I think of this face.
You are the definition of my most significant work.
Love you more than the moon and the stars.
Fairy tales aren’t as good as this.
And they lived happily ever after.
Home is where my baby is.
I am kind of a big deal around here…I just come in a little package.
Your smile completes me.
Even in my most stressful times, this face makes me realize how truly blessed I am.
Little one, I will always be there for you.
You know those words your parents that you said, “I’ll never say that”? Well, I said, “that.”
No matter what your age, I will always think of you like this.
No caption needed here. Just take in the cute vibes.
Just like stars shine light the sky, you brighten our entire house.
Can you imagine the joy of waking up to this face?
Newborn Baby Captions
When it comes to time right now, my time card is in this one’s little hands.
I’m new here, but I kind of run this place.
Yes, the baby is thriving on love and a schedule of freedom. At the same time, mom is thriving on coffee and a little bit of sleep.
The day you entered the world, my entire life changed in a moment.
This new season isn’t my first rodeo, but I forgot my first rodeo.
Words can not describe how happy I am right now.
I love you like a mama bear loves her baby bear.
You are the best reason not to sleep.
I have redefined my “happy hour.”
Now I genuinely believe in love at first sight.
Instagram Captions for Baby Boy
Oh boy, you’re just so cute.
Little boy, the stars aligned when I saw you.
Hello handsome, what did you do?
And yes, boys will be boys—even when babies.
My superhero gets it…no guts, no glory.
Baby boy, you might make a mess, but make up for it with just that look.
Instagram Captions for Baby Girl
This little girl is wrapped in glitter and filled up with sunshine.
Current mood = sunshine + happiness
Life is simply beautiful when I look at you.
What is a princess without her castle?
She’s a lot of sunshine with a little bit of hurricane mixed in.
Funny Captions for Baby Pictures
The best things in life come with stinky diapers.
No hair, don’t care.
I run on milk, hugs, and naps…Mom runs on junk food, sore feet, and caffeine.
You came in like a ray of sunshine, and keep me up till sunrise.
Life is like a box of baby wipes, you never know what you will get.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. This baby made a mess.
There is crying over spilled milk and coffee.
There might be a mama’s will power, but there’s also a baby’s way.
Keep calm and let the baby carry on.
Sun, smiles, and diaper piles.
Famous quotes for Baby Captions
I know I am in love with you because my reality is finally better than my dreams. ~ Dr. Seuss
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. ~ Audrey Hepburn
People who say they sleep like a baby, usually don’t have one. -Leo Burke
“I hope you never lose your sense of wonder.” — Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance”
A grand adventure is about to begin.” – Winnie the Pooh

And finally, our Baby Rules Captions
Baby Rules—scream till it gets weird then sleep.
Baby Rules—make that face again, and again, and again because they like it.
Baby Rules—when the sun goes down, the party starts.
Baby Rules—if the food must go in, it must come right back out.
Baby Rules—when one cries, we all cry.